SAS for Students

SAS Annual Student Research Paper Competition

Each year, the Southern Anthropological Society holds a student research paper competition, with a winner selected in the undergraduate and graduate categories. Winners are awarded a cash prize of $200 and winning papers are archived on the SAS website.

Submissions from all subfields of anthropology are welcomed. The paper should be based on original fieldwork, original analysis of data collected by others, or original analysis of existing published research or theory. The papers do not have to relate directly to the conference theme. We will accept papers written up to two years before the date of the conference. To be eligible for the competition, students must register for the conference, pay the conference and society membership fees, and present their paper in a conference session.

Papers should be no more than 25 pages (excluding diagrams, notes, and references); double-spaced, 11- 12-point type, with one-inch margins. According to the subfield of the research, all ethical guidelines for anthropological research should be followed. If human or animal subjects were involved in the research, evidence of IRB approval and informed consent should also be provided in the text of the paper or footnote. If this is not provided, papers will not be eligible for submission.

When submitting your paper, please include the completed checklist below to your title page. Send final submissions by February 7, 2024, to Marjorie Snipes at For information on the 2024 annual meeting and to register and join SAS, go to the Annual Meetings page here or to the Membership page here.

> Click Here to Download the SAS Student Paper Prize Checklist

> Student Paper Competition Award Winners