Southern Anthropologist

Due to extenuating circumstances, we have had a hiatus in the publication of Southern Anthropologist since 2017. We hope to resume publication in the near future.

Southern Anthropologist

Southern Anthropologist (ISSN: 1554-4133) is the peer-reviewed journal of the Southern Anthropological Society. The editors welcome essays and book and film reviews that broaden anthropological knowledge of all subdisciplines in anthropology and their applied forms.

A single edition of the Southern Anthropologist will be out at the end of the year with a major section on using digital media in teaching anthropology. The expectation is to return to a twice-a-year format in 2013.

Submission Information

We invite submissions for future issues at any time. Submissions and inquiries can be sent to Submissions should contain a brief (200 word) abstract and conform to the “AAA Style Guide” (2009) accessible here.

In addition, if you have an idea for a collection of articles around a central theme for a future issue, we would be happy to discuss those possibilities. Book and film reviews (approximately 800 words or less) are also welcome.

We are also considering adding a “Research Notes” section that will allow us to feature innovative and important research in progress; these research reports will also be submitted to a review process.

If you have a potential submission of any kind, or would like to have your name added to a list of reviewers for submissions, please send your information to the email address above.


Current Volume

Fall 2017 (Volume 37, Number 1)
Complete issue[PDF]
People, Places and Transport: St. Paul's Parish Then and Now
Kimberly Pyszka and Maureen Hays
Islamic Moral Values and End-of-Life Care: Examining the Intersection of Religious Beliefs and the U.S. Health Care System
Cortney Hughes Rinker, Oliver Pelland, and Serena Abdallah
Facebook Realness: Exploring Online Authenticity through Drag Queens and the infamous 'Real Name Policy'
Ray Leblanc
Book Reviews[PDF]

Previous Issues