Program 2011 meeting

Southern Anthropological Society Annual Meeting 2011
Richmond, Virginia, March 23-26


Richmond Restaurants, Museums, and Art Galleries


THURSDAY, March 24th

5:00-6:00 Registration.

7:00-9:00 Welcome Reception. (location TBA)

FRIDAY, March 25th

Session Times: (I) 8:30-10:00; (2) 10:30-12:00; (3) 1:00-2:30; (4) 3:00-4:30
Lunch 12:00-1:00, SAS Board Meeting (Location TBA)

SATURDAY, March 26th

Session Times: (1) 8:30-10:00; (2) 10:30-12:00; (3) 1:00-2:30; (4) 3:00-4:30

Lunch 12:00-1:00
Poster Sessions: 1:00-4:30 (location TBA)
Business Meeting, Saturday, 5-5:30
Keynote Address, Saturday, 6:30-7:30
Banquet, Saturday, 7:30

Note that talks are twenty minutes long and it is the responsibility of the chair to keep the presenters within their allotted times.

Friday, March 25th

1A. Art as Ethnographic Method (Amethyst A)
Chair: Erin Jordan. Millsaps College

“Using Photography as an Expression of Cultural Anthropology.” Luci Fernandes. East Carolina University
“Not Just for Anthropologists: Artistic and technical collaboration for the presentation of fieldwork.” Kelly Murray. Georgia State University.
“Children’s Art in Fiji.”Lindsay Whiteaker. University of Alabama at Birmingham
“The Sixth Stage of Grief: the Art and Aid of Storytelling in Tanazania.” Erin Jordan. Millsaps College

1B. The Art of Anthropological Fieldwork: Understanding Others’ Constructions of Self, Space, and Images, Part One. (Amethyst B)
Organizer/ Chair. Jennifer Nourse. University of Richmond

“Working with Strangers: The Art of Team (De)structuring on a Turkish Archaeological Dig.” Tiffany Taylor. University of Richmond
“Third Culture Kids: The Art of Constructing Self- Identity.” Pin Thanesnant. University of Richmond
“Sorority Life: The Art of Collecting Virtual Friends on Facebook.” Caroline Wisler. University of Richmond
“Photoreciprocity: The Art of Interpreting the Visually Constructed Self.” Lauren Trueax. University of Richmond

1C. Archeology: Lithics, Taxonomies (Miller).
Chair: Matt Stirn. Davidson College.

“Dating the Holland Site 9PA7 With Lithic Analysis.” Sedrie Hart. Kennesaw State University
“The Corley Site.” Jake DeLisle. University of Alabama, Birmingham.
“Freedom of the Hills” Prehistoric Mountain Adaptation and the Numic Debate.” Matt Stirn. Davidson College

1D. Museums and Heritage (Rhoads)
Chair: Sarah Wiggins. Southwestern University

“Three Jamestowns, Three Stories: Indian Identity at the Jamestown Museums.” Nichole Hudson. American Military University
“It’s a Small World After All? Questioning (Re)presentation in the Happiest Place on Earth.” Dannah Dennis. University of Virginia
“The Emergence of Hoi An: World Heritage Status and Global Tourism in Vietnam.” Ursula James, Southwestern University
“Trading in Their Heritage: Lamu Town, Kenya, and modern port development.” Sarah Wiggins. Southwestern University

BREAK 10:00-10:30

Friday 10:30-12:00

2A. Health and the Art of Healing (Amethyst A)
Chair: Britteny Howell, University of Kentucky.

“The Health Care Community and Latinos: A Study of Shifting Attitudes and their Significance Today.” Sarah Bostaph. University of Mary Washington
“The Horses Were Telling Me: Ableism and Speciesism in a Horseback Riding Program for Special Needs Individuals.” Hannah Yterdal. Southwestern University
“The Indigenous Quest for the “Vital Principle of Bliss”: Health Inequalities in Western Nations.” Britteny Howell. University of Kentucky

2B. The Art of Anthropological Fieldwork: Understanding Others’ Constructions of Self, Space, and Images, Part Two. (Amethyst B)
Organizer/ Chair. Jennifer Nourse. University of Richmond 

“The Art of Articulating the Past: Defining Cultural Heritage in Istanbul.” Andrea Hague. University of Richmond
“The Art of Reinventing a Dying Culture: The Revitalization of Traditional Food in a Chilean Village.” Julia Zeller. University of Richmond
“The Art of Reinventing Spirit Possession in 21st Century Indonesia: The influence of TV and Trance.” Jennifer Nourse. University of Richmond
“The Art of Denying Pain: Sports Films and the Culture of Risk among High School Students.” Julie Rechel. University of Richmond

2C. Food and Anthropology (Miller)
Chair: Anne Frazer Rogers. Western Carolina University

“Discovering Fijan Food: Explorations of Fijian Food Traditions and Preferences.” Ashley Wilson. University of Alabama at Birmingham
“Fear of Hurting the Children: An Ethnographic Study of Mothers’ Conceptions of Early Childhood Feeding in the Indigenous Communities of Cantel, Guatemala.” Grace Fletcher. Davidson
“Zooarchaelogical Research and Food Processing Techniques at the Fewkes Site, Williamson County, Tennessee.” Amy Howell. Middle Tennessee State University
“Use of Deer by Early Nineteenth Century Cherokees.” Anne Frazer Rogers. Western Carolina University.

2D. Concerns from the Field (Rhoads)
Organizer/ Chair: Lindsey King. East Tennessee State University.

“Last Night’s Fun: Representation and Misinterpretation of Traditional Irish Music Praxis.” Terry Prewitt. University of West Florida
“Ethical Issues in Collaborative Research in African- American Appalachian Communities.” Anita Puckett. Virginia Tech
“Art as Distraction.” Kate Ingersoll and Dan Ingersoll. St Mary’s College
“Does our Being There Change What we come to Study?” Lindsey King. East Tennessee State University

Friday 12:00-1:00
Board Lunch Meeting (TBA)

Friday 1:00-2:30

3A. Seeing is Believing: Effective Pedagogy Through Multimedia (Amethyst A)
Organizer/ Chair: Elizabeth Elliott Cooper, University of Alabama
Discussant: Margaret Williamson Huber, University of Mary Washington

“Stories and/of’ Self: Use of Digital Stories in Teaching Anthropology.” Aaron Thornburg. Elon University.
“Discovering Ethnographicness through Postproduction.” Timothy Knowlton. Berry College
“Pop Culture Pedagogy: Using television as Ethnographic Data.” Elizabeth Elliot Cooper. University of Alabama
“Techniques for Integrating Media in the Introductory Anthropology Classroom.” Maz Stein. University of Alabama
Discussion: Margaret Williamson Huber. University of Mary Washington

3B. In the Country (Amethyst B)
Chair: Melissa Schrift, East Tennessee State University

“The Little Milligan/Fish Springs Water Project: Part 1.” Angela Marson. East Tennessee State University
“The Little Milligan/Fish Springs Water Project: Part 2.” Melissa Schrift, Joey Cooter, and Anna Friend, East Tennessee State University
“Appalachian Asylum: An Oral History Of The Southwestern Virginia Mental Health Institute.” Melissa Schrift, Sarah Hoover, and Anthony Cavender. East Tennessee State University
“Culture Change in a Rural Upstate Community.” Max White. Piedmont College.

3C. Identities (Miller)
Chair: Allison Schad, University of North Carolina Asheville

“Sexuality Labels, Identity Stigma, and the Post Bisexual Revolution.” April Callis. Purdue University
“The Bicycle Sets Me Free: Transportation Choices of Women in Amsterdam.” Allison Schad. University of North Carolina Asheville
“Greek Identity and the New Immigrants”. Thalia Halpert Rodis. University of Mary Washington
“Russian Family Organization.” Julie Bergmann. University of Kentucky

3D. Living/Public Spaces (Rhoads)
Chair: Ivey Tapp. Georgia State University

“Living Space in Dominica.” Divya Ganesan. James Madison University
“The Art of Understanding the Urban Experience: Comparing and Contrasting the Architectural Implications of Venice, Italy, and Sandy Springs, Georgia.” Elisa Lanari and Ivey Tapp.Georgia State University in conjunction with Universita Ca’ Foscaria Venezia
Cafonia con una causa”–(A)political Theatre, Community Activism, and the Reworking of Venezianita in Venice, Italy.” Ivey Tapp. Georgia State University
“Dealing with Public Spaces.” Taylor Poindexter. University of Mary Washington

Friday 3:00-4:30

4A. Anthropology and History (Amethyst A)
Chair: Daryl White. Spelman College

“The Norse in America: Exploring the Myths, Realities, and Hoaxes Surrounding the Norse Presence in North America prior to 1492.” Catherine B Shrader. Peace College
“Choctow Mortuary Rituals: 1540-1812.” Brigette Arlaud. University of Mary Washington
“Takatoka, Voluntary Removal, Indian Confederation, and an Altrenate Vision of Manifest Destiny.” James Sarbaugh. Independent Scholar
“Oriental Despotism, Morman Polygamy, and Race Treason: Exploring Uses of Intersectionality.” Daryl White. Spelman College

4B. (Re)constructing West Virginia: Preservation, Progress, and the “New Economy” (Amethyst B)
Organizer/ Chair: Brian A. Hoey. Marshall University

“The Art and Ethnography of Place Making and Marketing.” Brian Hoey. Marshall University
“Mapping the Power in Coal: Recreating the Story of an Appalachian Coal Town.” Carl DeMuth. Marshall University
“Economic Transition in West Virginia: Impacts on the Cultural Landscape.” Amanda Payne. Marshall University
“Crafting Narratives of Heritage: Mountains, Mines, Folk Art, and Public Space in the New River Gorge.” Ennis Barbery. Marshall University

4C. Archeology and Food (Miller)
Chair: Aaron Bobik. University of Mississippi

“Ethnoarchaeology of Garbage in Fiji’s Lau Group.” Courtney Andrews, Anna McCown, Mallory Messersmith, and Sharyn Jones. University of Alabama at Birmingham
“An Ethnoarchaeological Approach to Fire Features and Ritual on Nayau, Lau Group, Fiji.” Mallory Messersmith and Sharyn Jones. University of Alabama at Birmingham
“Food and Identity: A Case Study of Roman Soldiers and native civilian in Roman Britain.” Aaron M. Bobik.

4D. Harry Potter and the Dual Sovereigns: Power and Authority in the Wizarding World.
Organizer/ Chair: Elijah St. Dennis. University of Mary Washington (Alum)

“The First Years: Power and Authority in the Wizarding World.” Christina Estep. University of Mary Washington (Alum)
“Fight the Good Fight: Legitimacy Through Reciprocity.” Molly Ellis. University of Mary Washington (Alum)
“Shifting Through the Tea Leaves: Structure, Event, and All the Rest.” Elijah St. Dennis. University of Mary Washington (Alum).

SATURDAY, March 26th

SAS Business Meeting: 5:00-5:30 (Location TBA)
Reception: 5:30-6:30 (Location TBA)
Keynote Address: 6:30-7:30 (Amethyst A and B)
Banquet: 7:30- (Amethyst A and B) Tickets must be purchased in advance.

Note that talks are twenty minutes long and it is the responsibility of the chair to keep the presenters within their allotted times.

Saturday, 8:30-10:00

1A. Beauty, Part One (Amethyst A)
Organizer/ Chair: George Mentore, University of Virginia

“Sublime Hunger.” George Mentore. University of Virginia
“The Satisfaction in the Completion of Healing: Bliss.” Edith Turner. University of Virginia
“Persuasive Fictions.” Viktoryia Kalesnikava. University of Virginia
“Becoming Sorcerer.” Justin Shaffner. University of Cambridge

1B. Pedagogy of Art and the Art of Pedagogy, Part One (Amethyst B)
Chair: Kimberley Jones. Elon University

“The Pedagogical Art of Anthropology.” Marjorie Snipes, Sara Simonis, Sonja Traylor, Lakin Glaze, and Christina Crim. University of West Georgia
“Projects that Add Research Experiences to Introductory Anthropology Classes.” David Johnson. NC A&T State University
“Feminist Practice, Collaborative Research, and the Art of Anthropology.” Kimberly Jones. Elon University

1C. Virtual Worlds, Media Worlds, Part One (Miller)
Chair: Molly Ellis. University of Mary Washington

“Storm Chasers.” Emily Harris, Colin Jordan, Jenna Kincaid, and Titus Stupfel. University of Mary Washington
“Religion Online.” Svyatoslav Petrov. University of Mary Washington
Film screening: “Immigrants from Guatemala in Boston.” Debra Rodman. Randolf-Macon College

1D. Artful Religions (Rhoads)
Chair: Gibson Barkley. University of Tennessee, Chattanooga

“Wicca in Georgia.” Katherine Binns. Kennesaw State University
“Interrogating Human Security and Religion in Guatemala.” Mathews Sampson. Davidson College
“Art, Counter Culture, and Identity: Examining Cultural Identity in new Religious Movements’ Art.” Gibson Barkley. University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
“A Sacred or Sinful City? Moral Geographies of a Southern (Black) Mecca.” Todne Chipumuro. University of Virginia

Saturday 10:30-12:00

2A. Beauty, Part Two (Amethyst A)
Organizer/ Chair: George Mentore. University of Virginia

“The Macho Beauty of Bridsong.” Laura Mentore. University of Mary Washington
“The Art of Womanhood in War and Peace in the African Great Lakes Region.” Ann Githinji. University of Virginia
“Household Adornment Among the Canela Indians of Brazil.” William Fisher. William and Mary
“Her Crowing Glory: Exploring the History, Challenges, and Changes of African American Women and Hair.” Anna Tyson. Peace College

2B. Pedagogy of Art and the Art of Pedagogy, Part Two (Amethyst B)
Chair: Elizabeth Sheehan. University of Richmond

“Preserving Mayan Traditions.” M Geddis. Peace College
“Public Art and Teaching Appalachia.” Patricia Beaver and Tom Hansell. Appalachian State University
“How Did They Get the Slave jail Underground? History, Culture and Arts Integration.” Elizabeth Sheehan. University of Richmond

2C. Virtual Worlds, Media Worlds, Part Two (Miller)
Chair: Titus Stupfel. University of Mary Washington

“Argentina’s War of Words: Clarin, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, the Free Press, and Democracy.” Ben McNair. Millsaps College
“Making Love: Representations of Marriage in Video Games.” John Schwab. University of Virginia
“Constructions of Identity at the Game Vault in Response to Stereotypes.” Merry Saez. University of Mary Washington
“The Anthropology of Anonymous.” Titus J. Stupfel, University of Mary Washington

2D. Archeology and Art (Rhoads)
Chair: Vernon James Knight. University of Alabama

“The Iconography and Ritual Function of Highland Maya Effigy Funerary Urns.” Kathleen McCampbell. Florida State University
“Style and Configuration in Prehistoric Iconography.” Vernon James Knight. University of Alabama
“Myth, Image and the Zuni Katchina.” Katherine Thompson. University of Virginia.

Saturday 1:00-2:30

Poster Sessions (TBA)

“Obesity as Body Art: Change and Body Image on Nayau Island.” Loretta Cormier, Sharyn R. Jones, C Aamodt, Courtney Andrews, Christel LIndsay Whiteaker, and Ashley Wilson. University of Alabama at Birmingham.
“Modernity and Syncretism in Southeastern Native American Music and Dance.” Chauntelle Sharp. University of Alabama at Birmingham.

3A. Authenticity and Tradition (Amethyst A)
Chair: Steve Hale. Georgia Southern University

“Recovering Tradition in Oaxaca.” Rachel Mullins. Davidson College
“The Art of Collaborative Ethnography: Moving Beyond the Powwow Arena.” Abby Wightman. Mary Baldwin College
“Turtle Shells, Tourists, and Transnational oil: An examination of the Waira Churis Community Tourism Group in the Ecuadorian Amazon.” Christopher Jarrett. Elon University
“Kuna Texts, Kuna Exegesis.” Dr. Steve Hale. Georgia Southern University

3B. Art in the Museum and on the Street, Part One (Amethyst B)
Chair: R. Syka. University of Virginia

“Western Appropriation of African Art The Walt Disney- Tishman African Art Collection.” Erika Yoder. University of Mary Washington
“‘It’s our Culture, Not Theirs:” Protection and Profit in Balinese Cultural Copyrighting.” Kelly Landers. University of Richmond
“Artist and Identity in the Gozo International Contemporary Arts Festival.” R. Syka. University of Virginia

3C. Celebrations and Memory (Miller)
Chair: Stephanie Shores. East Tennessee State University

“Secondary Diaspora: Cape Verdean Immigration to the Southeastern United States.” Jessica Lopes and Brandon Lundy. Kennesaw State University
“Parking Lot or Sacred Ground? Unearthing the African- American Past in Richmond.” Jason James. University of Mary Washington
“Oil Spills and the Theatre of International Law.” Brian MacKercher. University of Mary Washington
“Amtgard: An Alternative Society.” Stephanie Shores. East Tennessee State University

3D. Systems, Oral Traditions, Poetry and Myth: Insights Worth Keeping? (Rhoads)
Organizer/ Chair: Robert Shanafelt. Georgia Southern University

“Pocahontas and Rebecca: Two Tales of a Captive.” Margaret Huber. University of Mary Washington
“A Memoir of An Other.” Robert Philen. University of West Florida
“Mythic Themes in Southern African Folklore.” Robert Shanafelt. Georgia Southern University
“Models of The Sociocultural System- Modern and Post-Modern.” John Studstill. Columbus State University

Saturday 3:00-4:30

4A. Anthropology and Islam Today (Amethyst A)
Chair: Julian Murchison. Millsaps College

“Hijab or No Hijab: Young Muslim Women in the US and Morocco Exploring their Identities.” Sarah Aliah Abdul-Rauf. Peace College
“The Relationship between Independent Transnational News Network and the Arab Public.” Lillian Frost. University of Virginia
“Examining polyontologism through a Comparison of Spirit Possession in East Africa.” Julian M. Murchison. Millsaps College

4B. Art in the Museum and on the Street, Part Two (Amethyst B)
Chair: Iris Carter Ford. St. Mary”s College

“Art Networks.” Laura Dick. University of Mary Washington
“Taking Aboriginal Art off the Street.” Margaret Smith. University of Virginia
“The Art and Aesthetics of Hip-Hop Culture: An Anthropological Sampling.” Iris Carter Ford. St. Mary”s College

4C. Collecting, Consuming, Naming (Miller)
Chair: Carrie Douglass. University of Virginia

“Following the “Colt” of Gun Collecting.” Stanley Greidinger. University of Mary Washington
“Japanese Notions of Functional Beauty in Alternative Production and Consumption.” Alyssa Paredes. University of Virginia
“Superflat as Culture Theory.” Adrienne Decker. University of Mary Washington
“Thomas Jefferson, Equine Culture, and Names.” Carrie Douglass, University of Virginia

4D. Angst, Subjectivity, and Engagement through Ethnography (Rhoads)
Chair: Vincent Melomo. Peace College

“Second Site and Social Styles: Reflections on the Arts of Fieldwork.” Deborah Durham. Sweet Briar College
“The Art of Engaged Anthropology: Successes, Failures, and Challenges in the Discipline’s Public (re)Emergence.” Rebecca Rowe. Agnes Scott College
“The Art of Anthropology at a College in Crisis: Exploring Some Effects of Neoliberalism in Higher Education.” Vincent Melomo. Peace College
“Harvesting Justice with the Farm Labor Organizing Committee: Immigrant Rights, Health Care, and Social Service Unionism, 1967-2010.” Callan Elswick. Davidson College

5:00-5:30 SAS Business Meeting (Miller and Rhoads)

5:30-6:30″Reception and Cash Bar

6:30-7:30 Keynote Speech (Amethyst A and B)
Paul Stoller, West Chester University. “Finding the Right Path.”

7:30 Annual Awards Banquet (Amethyst A and B)